COA Promotes 110 Region VI Personnel

February 15, 2023 was a great day for COA RO VI as 110 deserving newly promoted COANs took their oaths of office and assumed higher positions in the organization. They walked with pride and big smiles as they were presented to their colleagues. Euphoria and gratitude filled the air as all recited their oaths of office and integrity pledges, a testimony of their devotion to their chosen calling in public service.
In her message, Regional Director Merne T. Peñaranda highlighted that this wave of promotions is a result of the hard work and diligence of the people who facilitated the whole process in record time. She said that this is the type of service that everyone deserves, a service that all promotees are challenged to emulate in the performance of the duties of their newly assumed positions. Director Peñaranda also expressed her joy that she got to administer the Oath before she leaves for her new assignment.
Messages of joy and gratitude were shared by Ms. Ma. Sheila A. Ramos, Mr. Jonathan V. Fortin and Ms. Mabeth M. Gellada on behalf of the promotees. Their messages echoed their feelings of happiness and celebration of the success they have worked hard for years. They especially expressed their gratitude to Director Peñaranda and all those who were instrumental in making their promotions into reality.
At the closing of the program, Assistant Regional Director Maria Gleda E. Lim shared the value of patience and the importance of working hard as one waits. Indeed, what one yearns for will come and if one deserves it, it will be granted.
A very warm congratulations to all COA RO6 promotees!